
Do You Really Know Who Gets The House?


Purchasing a home in San Antonio, TX involves more than selecting an experience Broker like Melissa Muse Wiggans. It also requires you to consider which parties you want on the deed to the house and who you want the house to pass to in the event of your death. And, the truth is the default way a title company sets up the title for you may not be the best fit for your family. This is especially true if you are divorced and remarried, buying a home with a partner but not married or buying a property in the name of a business. We sit down with trusted Estate Planning Attorney Hannah Hembree Bell and discuss.

[WATCH] and learn what is a “Right of Survivorship Agreement” and if it could possibly be a good fit for your family when purchasing your next home.



To find a home in San Antonio TX, contact Melissa Muse Wiggans, Broker and Owner of Real Estate Muses. Her team of top San Antonio Realtors specialize in buying and selling homes in San Antonio. They also assist military families who PCS to JBSA. As well as others moving or relocating to San Antonio, TX. Visit realestatemuses.com or call 210-485-9913 today.



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